Premium Materials

In this section, you will find handpicked, high-quality training materials.

Although much of this material is valuable to all virtual pilots, the focus of this site is on training material for the F/A-18C Hornet.

Carrier Ops

The carrier ops bible

Comprehensive guide to carrier ops written by Pieterras / DCS-Sn@k3Sh!t with the help from real life navy pilots. Open the document

Lex’s boat ops videos

Boat Ops Part I
Lex explaining port holding, the pattern and more

Boat Ops Part I

Boat Ops Part II
More details on keeping your interval in the pattern and on setting up the jet on deck.

Boat Ops Part II

Pieter Ras video and document

Full Case I Recovery
Pieter showcasing a full Case I recovery with hawking the deck

Full Case I

Cyclic ops explained
Pieter has written a very good explanation of cyclic ops.

Cyclic Ops Document

NATOPS documents - the real deal

It is said that the Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) documents are “written in blood”. These documents are used by real navy pilots. The documents are often the result of decades of experience in naval aviation and they provde operational standards for aircraft, equipment, carrier procedures and more.

NATOPS documents provide very detailed and comprehensive information

Be aware that those documents are restricted to U.S. government and their contractors only. So you better not search for them on the internet, please.

CNATRA documents

Issued by the Chief of Naval Air Training, this collection of documents covers the training of future naval aviators or naval flight officers. Although documents from the advanced phases of flight training are not publicly available (anymore), many of the early phases are. Be aware that some topics are artificially simplified or adapted for training purposes. Later, in the fleet, other rules may apply.