Welcome to the website of the VNAO VFA-136 Knighthawks!

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A virtual F/A-18C Strike Fighter Squadron

The VFA-136 Knighthawks are a group of enthusiasts who fly the F/A-18C Hornet in the Digital Combat Simulator (DCS). We are part of CVW-7, a virtual carrier air wing at VNAO (Virtual Naval Air Operations).

Squadron Roster

Check the squadron roster to see who we are.

Get in touch with us

The VNAO discord server is our primary place for communication.

Learn more about us

See our doc pages for more information about us.

Read more

We are not a milsim group, but we are proud to relive the dream of being a fighter pilot with real-life procedures, communications and tactics.

TSTA Workups started

VNAO CVW-7 is busy with Tailored Ship Training Availability (TSTA) in preparation for the next deployment.


Solid (302) and Junior are waiting for Bambi (303) who is tanking at an S3 overhead mother.

Screenshot by VFA-136 Junior

Welcome back…

VFA-136 successfully re-qualed for daylight CASE 1 operations on CVN-75 Harry S. Truman


Parked on deck after successful carrier qualification.

by VFA-136 Junior

VFA-136 Knighthawks Roster

This is the current squadron roster with modex assignments and possibly free slots for you! Although in real-life pilots just fly any jet in the squadron’s inventory, we at VNAO chose to use fixed modexes.

ModexCallsignNationalityVNAO Qual
301Blade (CO)USApril 20
302Solid (XO)GERJuly 21
303Bambi (OPS-O)FRMarch 23
304WhipUSJan 24
305Junior (TRG-O)Sept 24

We are not affiliated in any way with the United States Armed Forces. The contents of this site are merely an expression of the appreciation for the men and women who have or are currently serving. Thank you for your service, inspiration, and leadership.